Its all about the adventure, not where you are going but how you get there

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Day 1 now was something of the past and with the body starting to "talk"to us it was evident that this was not going to be your normal multi day hiking excursion. The morning of the second day loomed outside my tent with the constant drizziling of rain outside. It is 05:00 and time to prepare some coffee, and to mentally start preparing to tackle the day with wet boots. I thought that waterproof boots meant it was waterproof but to our surprize it seems it was not meant to be submerged, but anyhow we were determined and we were not going to let such a minute issue fase us. So the stove was hard at work, boiling water, wich there were plenty of, and the rest of the guys and girl started to arise from the "dead" to start preparing breakfast. Steaming coffee with biscuits and rusks were the order of the day with a mix of muesli, pro-nutro and oatso easy. I could not believe that one of the guys actually packed a 2lt carton long life milk, I suppose that some luxuries just can not be left behind as so wiith the bottle of chilli's that was carried around for 5 days. After breakfast it was time to pack up wet tents and gear. Getting dressed in wet weather gear was unquestionable, and off we went. It was a tough hike through thick wet bush with another 10 or so stream crossings without the option of staying dry. 2 hours later we entered a forest and I had  to pinch myself now and again to realize that we were not in the Brazalian rain forest. So we proceded up through the forest, up and up and up and up and up and up and later on we were still making our way up. It seemed that we would never reach the topline as the trees growing in this forest seemed to be kilometers tall. 6 hours later we reached what we believed to be the top and end of the forest, but to our horror it was not to be. Ahead or should I say above us lay the actual climb to the top of the plain to Serala peak. Did anyone brought ropes? In our faces we were presented with a skyward cliff that needed to be scaled to reach the plato. After carefully and prayerfully climbing and heel hooking, and with the occasional  passing on of backpacks here and there because it was simply just impossible to climb with them we eventually made it to the top with tears in some eyes. I was thinking by myself at that stage that we were quite blessed due to the thick mist and clouds that witheld the view initially from us whilst climbing the cliff because when we were standing on top of this plato it cleared up and a feeling of "holy crap" this is high started to sink in! We all stood in awe while taking in and enjoying this spectacular scenery. We truly have a majestic Creator and all honor to Him! Lunch was next on our agenda and we tucked into some biltong, cabanossie, droewors, biscuits, cheese wedges, jelly babies and tuna. What a view from here while enjoying south african biltong and good friendship. Hard to beat I thought! We arrived at our camp site for the night next to a river that dropped over the cliff some hundred meters down, hard to say how far as the thick mist did not allow us to see right to the bottom. Dinner was prepared around the tents with the temp dropping to a mere 11'C, quite nippy for summer time I thought. As a avid Blue Bulls supporter and made sure that I listen to the curry cup final between the Bulls and the Cheetahs on my cell phone and plug in speaker. Victory for the Bulls, good company, awesome scenery and drinking "watang"... can get use to this!!


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