Its all about the adventure, not where you are going but how you get there

Saturday, October 1, 2011

The long walk to freedom

25 September 2011 was a day to remember. Jumping out of an perfectly serviceable airplane might not be every one's idea of fun.

1. Some canopy training

 2. Some PLF's        

 3.Some folding lessons

 4.....more folding lessons

5.Pre takeoff inspections

6 .......more gear checks

7. All set!! Can we go now!

8. All a board, butterflies and all

9. A view from atop

10. All smiles for now

 11. Coming in for a perfect landing set up

So, another hobby that I'm keen on continuing doing. Dont know how I'm going to keep on funding all of this? Guess I'll need to get a sponsor for financing all my adrenaline fueled ambissions :)

Getting ready..........Check in!!! GOOOOO!!!!